
Your contribution, no matter how small, can make a huge difference in the lives of those we serve. Any person, business, or entity wishing to donate may do so by submitting a check to the following address:

Educational Council of Passaic County
c/o Passaic County Superintendent of Schools’ Office
501 River Street
Paterson NJ 07524
Attn: Johanny A. Casillas

When donating, please state for which program you wish to donate to: Teacher Recognition Program, Student Recognition Program, or Scholarship Program. A donation letter will be mailed for tax purposes. Therefore, please make sure to include a return address.

The Council is also seeking a corporate sponsor for the Teacher Recognition Program, which can only be held if enough funds are collected. A total of $5,000 is needed to host a Teacher Recognition luncheon to honor our deserving educators and educational services providers. Therefore, if you would like to sponsor the event, please contact Johanny Casillas at (973) 569-2110. Thank you.